Please note that there will be no work posted on Friday and Monday due to Pro-D Day and Victoria Day.
Today, we will be working on:
Daily Edit (5~10 minutes)
5-Minute Brain Break
Creative Writing (10~15 minutes)
Today will be the last day of Daily Edit for this week. It will begin again next week with a new book.
Daily Edit
Download these two documents: Week 6 Thursday Passage A & B (Teacher-Parent Copy) and Week 6 Thursday Passage B (Student Worksheet).
Give Passage B to your child.
Read Passage A aloud to your child (do not let them see it) while they follow along with Passage B.
Read Passage B aloud to your child (have them follow with their finger, if needed).
Read Passage A aloud to your child again while your child follows Passage B.
Give your child time to edit Passage B with a pencil or a marker. * Note: If you are unable to print this out, you child can orally edit the passage instead.
Review their edits and provide hints to help them finish it.
Show your child Passage A and have them compare to see how they did.
5-Minute Brain Break
Don't forget to take breaks in between work! It is important to get a breather while learning so our brain can continue to learn hard things for us.
Please refer to my 5-Minute Brain Break Ideas blog post if you are stuck on what to do.
Creative Writing
For Creative Writing, it should take around 10 - 15 minutes in total to complete. I will try to give at least two options for Creative Writing. Your child can choose either - or both! - options.
Option 1
Complete the Stuck worksheet.
If you are unable to print the worksheet, you can complete the work on a piece of paper instead.
Adaptation: Have your child say the answers while you write it down for them.
Extension: Write how you plan on getting all those things unstuck.
Option 2
Write what happens to the things and people still stuck in the tree at the end of the story.
Generate and organize your story ideas (you can use the Story Element Template to help you) and share your story
Use the Story Element Template to help you gather and organize ideas. You can create new characters, or use ones from the book.
Take the time to make fun characters and give them unique ways of solving the problem. Have fun with it!
Adaptation: Discuss with your child about each story element.
Adaptation: Have your child say their story while you write it down for them.
Adaptation: Use loose parts or toys to show your story.
Extension: Add pictures and turn your story into a book!
Message from Ms. Zhu
Please note that due to Pro-D Day and Victoria Day, no work will be posted this Friday and next Monday. Have a great long weekend! And, if possible, please upload a picture of your child's work or of your child working on their e-Portfolios on Portal. Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!