Week 11: Quotation Marks (Day 5)
Today, you will use a new picture to write a short story with dialogue (talking), so you can continue practicing using quotation marks...
Today, you will use a new picture to write a short story with dialogue (talking), so you can continue practicing using quotation marks...
Today, you will use the picture provided to write a short story with dialogue (talking), so you can practice using quotation marks ("")....
Today, you will use the picture provided to write another short story. Remember the 2 rules: If the subject is singular, the verb must be...
Today, you will use the picture provided to write a short story. Remember the 2 rules: If the subject is singular, the verb must be...
Today, we will focus on asking questions as a writing hook to lure readers in. Dialogue (Talking) Onomatopoeia (Sound effects) In the...
Today, we will focus on writing a powerful description as a writing hook to lure readers in. Dialogue (Talking) Onomatopoeia (Sound...
Today, we will focus on writing action as a writing hook to lure readers in. Dialogue (Talking) Onomatopoeia (Sound effects) In the...
Today, we will focus on using onomatopoeia as a writing hook to lure readers in. Dialogue (Talking) Onomatopoeia (Sound effects) In the...
This week, we will learn how to make our writing even more powerful by writing an enticing hook to lure readers in. We will learn one...
Did you enjoy the writing activities this week? I sure did! It was so much fun to look outside my window and come up with all kinds of...
Directions Look at the picture with your child. Ask your child questions about the picture. Record (e.g. paper, typed, voice) what your...
You will be using your writing from yesterday to complete today's activity. Directions Reread what you have written. Find a word or a...
Directions Look at the picture with your child. Ask your child questions about the picture. Record (e.g. paper, typed, voice) what your...
Today, we will be doing some creative writing. Directions Look outside your window. Think about what is living outside your window - a...
Directions Look at the picture with your child. Ask your child questions about the picture. Record (e.g. paper, typed, voice) what your...
Directions Look at the picture with your child. Ask your child questions about the picture. Record (e.g. paper, typed, voice) what your...
You will be using your writing from yesterday to complete today's activity. Directions Reread what you have written. Find a word or a...
This week, we will be focusing on writing - specifically, writing about things outside our windows. I got this idea from a Pro-D Day...
Directions Look at the picture with your child. Ask your child questions about the picture. Record (e.g. paper, typed, voice) what your...
Today is the last day where we will be using the book, "The Day the Crayons Quit," and finishing up our Creative Writing activity....