Today, we will focus on using onomatopoeia as a writing hook to lure readers in.
Dialogue (Talking)
Onomatopoeia (Sound effects)
In the middle of an action
Powerful description
A question
(Picture source: Once Upon a Picture)
What is an Onomatopoeia?
An onomatopoeia is a literary (writing) strategy that uses sound effects. These are some examples of onomatopoeia: crash, honk, boing, thump, hiss, whoosh, oink, meow, woof.
How do I use "Sound Effects" as a Hook?
Look at the picture above and think, "What can make a sound?" "What sound will it make?"
Look at the picture and use "Onomatopoeia" as a writing hook.
Finish writing the rest of your short story based on the picture.
Re-read your writing to edit it.
Find a word or a phrase that you are really proud of and underline it.
Check that you have spelled correctly the words you know.
Check that you have taken a risk with unknown words and used them too.
Upload a picture of your writing on your e-Portfolio.
My Example
I used this picture to write my hook and paragraph:
(Picture source: Once Upon a Picture)
I followed the directions above and underlined the words and phrases that I thought were powerful and creative.
Crunch, crunch, crunch... the sound of dry leaves underneath our frantic feet as we try to keep up with the transparent creature. It was just yesterday when we arrived at our grandmother's house only to find her missing - all that was left was a note she left behind: Hello dears, Sorry for having you make the long trip and not being able to greet you. My friend has had some trouble and he needed my help right away. We might need your help later in case things don't go to plan, so when a transparent creature shows up, please follow it to the enchanted forest and it will guide you to us. So, now, we're chasing this aforementioned "transparent creature" in hopes that it will take us to our grandmother. The creature doesn't seem to notice that we don't have long limbs and big feet like it does, so we're huffing and puffing after it as it continues its leisurely stride.