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Week 8: Writing From Your Window (Day 3)

Today, we will be doing some creative writing.


  1. Look outside your window.

  2. Think about what is living outside your window - a leaf, a worm, a stray cat, a blade of grass, etc.

  3. Write a story about that living thing.

  4. Upload to your e-Portfolio on Portal.



Use the poetic / literary devices you learned to make your writing more powerful and interesting:

  • Alliteration

  • Onomatopoeia

  • Simile

  • Metaphors

  • Personification

If you are stuck on how to start writing, here are some ideas that can help you:

  • Start with a conversation - "Hey, look at that!" the bird chirped loudly to his fellow winged friends.

  • Start with a sound effect - Whoosh, whoosh. The wind blows its cold air through the skinny trees.

  • Start in the middle of an action - Crash! The fence suddenly fell down on top of my new friend, Grass Blade.

  • Write a powerful description - The little, but mighty, young leaf took it upon herself to explore the unknown depths of the deep forest.

  • Start with a question - Where does the stray black cat visit after he comes to us for milk?


My Example

Here is my example.

Where does the stray black cat visit after he comes to us for milk? He visits us everyday at the exact same time and at the exact some location - by the vegetable garden in our backyard. He waits there every morning at 10AM without fail. He has never missed a day so far, but he also leaves at exactly 10:10AM. He doesn't stick around to play with us; He doesn't show any interest in sticks, yarn, feathers, or our lazy attempt of a mouse toy. After staying for precisely ten short minutes, he leaps gracefully to the top of our old fences and sways his tail back and forth until we can no longer see it from our window. "I think he's going to another house for more food," my sister says. "I think he's going to find a playmate," my dad suggests. "I think he's going to rest for a bit at the park in the big oak tree," my mom assumes. "Well, I think he's going to a secret place where no humans can enter - only cats - and he's going to go on a grand adventure to defeat the evil dog wizard that occupies that world with his fellow cat warriors," I dream.
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