6Today, we will be working on:
Daily Edit (5~10 minutes)
5-Minute Brain Break
Word Work (10~15 minutes)
5-Minute Brain Break
Reading Comprehension (15~20 minutes)
Please encourage your child to complete both the Word Work and Reading Comprehension questions. Thank you.
Daily Edit
Download these two documents: Week 6 Tuesday Passage A & B (Teacher-Parent Copy) and Week 6 Tuesday Passage B (Student Worksheet).
Give Passage B to your child.
Read Passage A aloud to your child (do not let them see it) while they follow along with Passage B.
Read Passage B aloud to your child (have them follow with their finger, if needed).
Read Passage A aloud to your child again while your child follows Passage B.
Give your child time to edit Passage B with a pencil or a marker. * Note: If you are unable to print this out, you child can orally edit the passage instead.
Review their edits and provide hints to help them finish it.
Show your child Passage A and have them compare to see how they did.
5-Minute Brain Break
Don't forget to take breaks in between work! It is important to get a breather while learning so our brain can continue to learn hard things for us.
Please refer to my 5-Minute Brain Break Ideas blog post if you are stuck on what to do.
Welcome back! Before moving onto the next task, please review the story again. Make sure to pay attention to the words as the story is being read.
Word Work
Please work with your child on completing the tasks below. Students are welcomed and encouraged to re-visit the story at anytime. They may need to review the Mini Lesson on Verbs previously.
Find some verbs from the story. (Answers may vary.) Began, got, stuck, tried, pulling, swinging, come, unstuck, threw, knock, fetched, getting, going, sort, guess, borrowed, put, noticed, flung, passing, heard, stopped, see, help, went, followed, stayed, knew, find, lined, hurled, forgotten, enjoying, fell.
Write 5 sentences using any of the verbs you found and underline them. (Answers will vary.) I began to pack up my backpack, but then my teacher stopped me. I enjoy swinging on the swings. • Adaptation: Provide a sentence starter for your child (e.g. "I will be...", "They are going to..."). I will be enjoying this slice of cake. They are going to the mall. • Extension: Add details to your sentences (i.e. include adjectives and adverbs). I began to quickly pack up my empty backpack, but then my music teacher stopped me. I enjoy swinging on the swings at the park with my friends. • Extension: Use two or more -at words in your sentences. I began to pack up my backpack before my teacher could notice. I enjoy swinging on the swings and playing find-and-seek.
Draw a picture of your sentences.
5-Minute Brain Break
Don't forget to take breaks in between work! It is important to get a breather while learning so our brain can continue to learn hard things for us.
Please refer to my 5-Minute Brain Break Ideas blog post if you are stuck on what to do.
Reading Comprehension
Please feel free to discuss and guide your child to the answer before they write it down using a complete sentence. Note that answers may vary.
What got stuck in the tree first? The kite got stuck in the tree first.
What did Floyd use to knock down the duck? Floyd used a chair to knock down the duck.
What did Floyd use to knock down his friend's bicycle? Floyd used the kitchen sink to knock down his friend's bicycle.
Why did Floyd throw so many things at the tree? Floyd threw so many things at the tree because they kept getting stuck.
What was Floyd's reasoning behind hurling the saw at the tree? Floyd's reasoning behind hurling the saw at the tree is that once he threw the saw, there would be no more room left in the tree and the kite would become unstuck.
Message from Ms. Zhu
Please upload a picture of your child's work or of your child working on their e-Portfolios on Portal. Thank you.