Today, we will be working on:
Daily Edit (5~10 minutes)
5-Minute Brain Break
Writing Extension (15~20 minutes)

Daily Edit
We will continue to learn about Adjectives. Please refer to yesterday's blog post if you need a refresher on what adjectives are and how to use them.
Open this document: The Beige Crayon.
Read the passage.
Find the adjectives (you may underline, circle, or highlight them).
To find the adjective, look for the noun (a person, place, or thing).
There are 15 adjectives. Try to find them all.
If you are unsure whether a word is an adjective or not, try substituting it for an adjective that you know to help you. For example: "I don't want to be in third place anymore" and "I don't want to be in last place anymore." Last makes sense, so third is also an adjective.
Remember, nouns that are capitalized are proper nouns, not adjectives.
5-Minute Brain Break
Don't forget to take breaks in between work! It is important to get a breather while learning so our brain can continue to learn hard things for us.
Please refer to my 5-Minute Brain Break Ideas blog post if you are stuck on what to do.
Writing Extension
Please complete this worksheet. You can be creative and use your imagination.
Adaptation: Have your child say the answers while you write it down for them.
Extension: Write more things that you can draw with your chosen crayon colour.
Extension: Complete another page for a different coloured crayon.
Message from Ms. Zhu
Please upload a picture of your child's work or of your child working on their e-Portfolios on Portal. Thank you.